Publication details

Impact of Liabilities in the Banking Sector to Monetary Aggregates and Interest Rates



Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 8th International Conference on Currency, Banking and International Finance
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Banking Liabilities; Monetary Aggregates; Interest Rates.
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Description The paper focuses on analyzing the relationship between liabilities in the banking sector and monetary aggregates and rates. Current trends in the banking sector, in particular the orientation of the cashless payments is significantly reflected in the development of its liabilities. Relationship monetary aggregates and the development of interbank rates interest rates and base rates announced central banks, indicates the possibility of significant future problems. The increase in liabilities in the banking sector translates into pressure on senior bank management to seek appropriate opportunities for their investment. Suitable data for analysis were obtained primarily from the CNB, so post dedicated to the development of the Czech banking sector. The topic has not yet been given sufficient attention and to which there is also suitable literature and data necessary documents to obtain primarily on the CNB.

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