Publication details

Measuring the Impact of Funding Resources on NPI Production: Shortcomings of Czech Macroeconomic Data.

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Year of publication 2014
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Citation PROUZOVÁ, Zuzana and Gabriela VACEKOVÁ. Measuring the Impact of Funding Resources on NPI Production: Shortcomings of Czech Macroeconomic Data. In ARNOVA's 43rd Annual Conference. 2014.
Description The most comprehensive macroeconomic data sources mapping the Czech nonprofit sector are the National Accounts and the Nonprofit Institutions Satellite Account. The proposed paper will prove that the existing data sources do not capture the real/complex structure of NPI funding resources and their mutual relationships. The probable deficiency of these sources may be seen in the inability to view indirect resources. The paper will focus on the capacities of NPIs to generate other funding resources, including self-financing. It will also provide an explicit explanation of the impact of various funding resources on the overall production structure of Czech NPIs.
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