Publication details

Using Tools of Corpus Linguistics for Investigating and Teaching Language for Medical Purposes



Year of publication 2014
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

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Description The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the implementation of a corpus linguistics approach in researching and teaching Latin and English languages for medical purposes. In the former, a corpus of authentic Latin clinical diagnoses was created from healthcare documentation, providing the instructors with valuable data concerning the actual use of Latin in professional medical writing. In the latter, a corpus of English published medical case reports was collected from two online journals, enabling structural and textual analyses of the genre, which were then used pedagogically in academic writing courses. Both corpora were uploaded to Sketch Engine, a tool creating summaries of a word’s grammatical and collocational behaviour. It can be claimed that this approach, in which authentic and published materials are used as a basis for the development of teaching materials, greatly enhances the quality and relevance of language education in medical contexts.

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