Publication details

Fyziologie oka a vidění

Title in English Physiology of the eye and vision


Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The first chapters of the second edition of Physiology of the eye and vision bring outlines of the anatomy and biochemistry of the visual system. The structure of the eye wall layers and the content of the eyeball are described in details, including the latest findings on the tissue ultrastructure. The next chapters deal with the anatomy and physiology of the eye accessory organs. Attention is paid to the functional topography of the visual cortex and its sensory areas. Following part of the book closely examines the physiology of the vascular system of the eye. Control of the intraocular fluid formation and drainage determines intraocular pressure and the susceptibility to glaucoma. Attention is paid to methods of intraocular pressure measuring and to pharmacological effects of various types of biochemical substances that affect the intraocular fluid production and drainage, and the importance of the blood-ocular barrier is emphasized. Another part of the book is focused on the physiological characteristics of the eye, such as refraction, accommodation, colour vision, visual acuity, and visual field. Electrophysiology of vision is described as a function of retinal elements and electrophysiological screening methods that allow objective examination of the functional activity of the retina and visual pathways, including the latest multifocal electroretinography are mentioned. Authors pay attention also to the physiology of eye movements, development and degrees of binocular vision and consider the psychophysical aspects of vision. The final part of the publication describes the current trends in the development of an artificial retina and retinal prostheses that are being developed for patients with residual vision.
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