Publication details

Model řízení konkurenční výhody dominantní firmy (Stackelbergův oligopol) – formulace hypotézy

Title in English Model of the Dominant Firm Competitive Advantage Management (Stackelberg oligopoly) – Formulation of the Hypothesis

KALOUDA František

Year of publication 2014
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The aim of this paper is (using a mathematical model) to formulate a hypothesis that explains seemingly irrational competitive behavior of dominant firm in an oligopoly situation. The dominant firm in this situation is not used the price competition to gain a competitive advantage. Reason for this focus of paper is a widespread belief that discussed two competitive advantages are among considered competitors divided "fairly" - one of them to a dominant firm, the other to a company from the competitive fringe. The paper proves that the business reality differs significantly from this symmetric perception of the competitive advantage. The firm from competitive fringe is disadvantaged due the price control.

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