Publication details

Představy o partnerství v období vynořující se dospělosti

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Title in English Representations about future partnership in emerging adulthood


Year of publication 2014
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation Chyba/Error
Description Romantic relationships during the period of emerging adulthood belong to fundamental topics in this developmental stage. Large instability and variability of the romantic relationships is typical for this period, and establishing serious relationships and starting own families belong amongst the generally accepted criteria of adulthood. Therefore, this period brings the possibility of self-knowledge in close intimate relationships, which become an important source of social support. This study explores idea of the future partnership in the near and distant future with emerging adults. Respondents (11 women and 13 men aged from 19 to 24 years) were interviewed about their ideas of future romantic relationships in 5 and 15 years. Data from interviews were analyzed using descriptive and thematic coding, so as to identify specific content categories and sub- categories. The specific meanings attributed to the notion of respondents were then synthesized into categories and themes preserving the richness of meanings communicated. In addition to the expected general topics (e.g. desire to start a family, financial independence of a couple) categories with specific meanings (e.g. limited autonomy because of the relationship, partner collusion, and independence at the society) were identified.
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