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Mutagenéza lektínu AFL ako nástroj pre štúdium komplexných interakcií lektín-sacharid

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Title in English Mutagenesis of AFL lectin as a tool for studying complex lectin-saccharide interactions


Year of publication 2014
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Lectin AFL from an opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus serves as a model system for studying complex interactions between lectins and saccharides, because each of its six binding sites has a different structure and probably bind a ligand with different specificity and affinity. The aim of this project is to prepare six mutant proteins of AFL, each with the only one reactivated binding site via reverse mutagenesis. With these mutants the structure-function studies will be carried out to determine specificity and affinity of each of the binding sites apart.
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