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Struktura sportovního výkonu při skocích na trampolíně - skripta v PDF ke stažení

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Title in English The structure of sports performance while jumping on a trampoline - University textbook [PDF]


Year of publication 2014
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description Jumping on a trampoline is the Olympic sport. Competitors show different kind of rotations after take-off the trampoline. These rotations are done in different positions and combinations. The specific take-off that is adapted to the movements of the trampoline and high level of orientation in space are the basic physical activities in this sport. Jumping on the trampoline generally put high demands on the coordination of muscle activity. That`s the reason why jumping on a trampoline form also an important part of special training preparations in many kinds of sports.
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