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Struktura sportovního výkonu v moderní gymnastice - skripta v PDF ke stažení

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Title in English The structure of sports performance in rhythmic gymnastics - University textbook [PDF]


Year of publication 2014
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description Rhythmic gymnastice (RG) is one of our sports performance between coordinately aesthetic . The basis of sports performance in the RG is a perfect mastery of a complex motion tasks. Performance in the RG factors influencing physical , psychological and aesthetic . The most important physical skills , coordination and flexibility. Characteristic RG 's demonstration kits with equipment ( rope, hoop , ball , clubs , ribbon ) . Performance is continuous and intensity varies. The most commonly used motion structures are different jumps, turns and elements of balance. Among the limiting factors in RG include somatic conditions . RG is one of the sports with low injury rates . But there is a functional disorder of the spine and muscle imbalance .
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