Publication details

Implementace diskriminačních metod pro dvouparametrický gama/neutronový spektrometr

Title in English Implementation of discrimination method for two-parametric gamma/nutron spectrometer


Year of publication 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web Repozitář MU
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Description Two-parameters spectrometers use for separating the gamma and neutron radiation methods based on comparing the measured pulse shape. There are a large number articles dealing with discriminating methods, but there is not direct comparison. Into the program ClassificatorScript for direct comparison were implemented these discriminatory methods: Mean vs. Deviation, polynomial interpolation, Least Squares, Simpson integration method using numerical integration, Lebreton, analysis of the frequency gradient similarity with the reference pulses. There was implemented these filters of the input signals also for verify their influence on the quality of discrimination: Gaussian filter, Savitzky-Golay filter. For testing of results was used data from the digitizer Agilent and the COMBOI-ADC4 card. The Simpson integration numerical integration method was implemented in the FPGA card COMBOI-ADC4.

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