Publication details

Early Tournaisian (Mississippian) unornamented siphonodellid conodonts: biostratigraphic and paleogeographic remarks

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Year of publication 2014
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description One of the unornamented species - Siphonodella belkai - described from Poland and further known from Russian Tournaisian is the index taxa of eponymous belkai conodont zone distinguished in these regions. Sudden ventral narrowing of Si. belkai platform elements resemble platform features of Si. sandbergi and, moreover, presence of three or more (up to 7) rostral ridges is common characteristic with Si. quadruplicata. Because Si. belkai has been defined by Dzik in 1997, confusing of Si. belkai with Si. sandbergi and Si. quadruplicata is common in older, but, even in more recent publications. The misleading determination leads to stratigraphic discrepancies and older sediments of the hassi Zone are identified as younger ones (sandbergi and quadruplicata zones). The lower Tournaisian deep-water limestones (upper to lower slope) in the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Oese, Oberrödinghausen) and Moravian Karst (Lesní lom Quarry) recently yielded relatively abundant Si. belkai (Fig. 1ab) with rare unornamented Siphonodella sp. (Fig. 1c), accompanied by conodonts typical for the hassi and sandbergi zones. The first appearance datum (FAD) of Si. belkai matches with FAD of Si. hassi and therefore bases of these zones can be tentatively correlated.
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