Publication details

Ampullae ze Svaté země a jejich historická paměť

Title in English The Holy Land Ampullae and Their Historical Memory


Year of publication 2014
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The conference held at the Department of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic dealt with the ampullae from Holy Land and examined them in three different historic moments – the era of Early Christian pilgrimage, the foundation and endowment of the first Lombard basilica in Monza, and finally the existence and reconstruction of this basilica over the subsequent centuries. Through a diachronic study, Filipová observed how an object of memory – a 'souvenir' from the pilgrimage – can radically change in signification and function depending on the context. At the same time, she observes how the memory of an object can easily mutate or – indeed – be lost over the centuries, and thus the object can acquire numerous new meanings.
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