Publication details

Dítě s imunodeficientním stavem, možnosti řešení. 2. část, Léčba a novorozenecký screening


THON Vojtěch

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pediatrie pro praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation THON, Vojtěch. Dítě s imunodeficientním stavem, možnosti řešení. 2. část, Léčba a novorozenecký screening. Pediatrie pro praxi. Olomouc: Solen, 2014, vol. 15, No 5, p. 254-256. ISSN 1213-0494.
Field Immunology
Keywords imunodeficiency; IVIG; SCIG; TREC; KREC; transplantation; dried blood spot; screening
Description Early diagnosis of immunodeficiency makes possible early definitive therapy and avoids the complications of pretreatment infections. T-cell immunodeficiency defects become apparent as combined T- and B-cell deficiencies. Therefore, implementation of TRECs and KRECs into the newborn screening from dried blood spot will increase the preventive approach to early immunodeficiency diagnostics. Infants undergoing transplantation in the first 3 months of life have a much higher rate of survival than those undergoing transplantation later.

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