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Role lokálních projektů v české politice zaměstnanosti. Evaluační studie projektu zaměřeného na zvýšení zaměstnatelnosti zdravotně postižených osob a osob starších padesáti let

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Title in English Role of local projects in the Czech employment policy. Evaluation study of project focused at increasing the employability of people with disabilities and people over fifty


Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This book presents an evaluation study of a local project designed to increa¬se the employability of its participants recruited from among disabled and older job seekers. Its purpose is not “only” to serve as a practical handbook for tho¬se who develop, implement and participate in local employment projects, but also as a guide for students and policy analysts on what all can be studied and how in the process of designing, implementing and outcomes assessment of any public and social programme, as well as how to analyse the obtained data. In order to be able to produce a comprehensive and, as much as possible, sophisticated assessment of the selected project, we first needed to concern ourselves with the very role that local projects funded under European pro¬grammes have played in Czech employment policy in recent years (chapter 1), and with the concept of employability as an empirically verifiable indicator of the chances of finding and keeping a suitable job (chapter 2). Concerning the latter, we were particularly interested in the groups facing greater risks in to¬day’s labour markets, including disabled people and people of older age (chap¬ter 3) that were participants in the project under review. We have shown that the role ESF funded projects play in Czech and foreign policy has grown stronger in recent years and is becoming ever more relevant. However, available Czech and international studies (and our case study as well) point out several deficiencies associated with the process of developing and implementing local employment projects that deal with cooperation among non-gover¬nmental actors connected with these projects, administrative and organisational procedures governing submis¬sion of project proposals, the knowledge and education of staff in charge of recruiting project parti-cipants, the quality of European projects evaluation and their linkage to factual jobs or internships.
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