Publication details

Vybrané kognitivní aspekty vizualizace polohové nejistoty v geografických datech

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Title in English Selected Cognitive Issues of Positional Uncertainty in Geographical Data


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geografie - Sborník České geografické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords positional uncertainty; cartographic visualization; cognitive processing; empirical evaluation
Description In accordance with the development of theoretical aspects of cartographic visualization and methods of uncertainty propagation in models, the generally accepted opinion argues that uncertainty has to be presented to users in an unambiguous and understandable way. Studies published in psychological literature prove that users react to presented information differently depending on the presentation method, the specific task and its context. The presented paper describes the process of test development for selected methods of cartographic visualization of positional uncertainty, the utilization of multivariate testing software tool for test processing, and its consequent evaluation. Results of testing are further discussed in comparison with similar studies which have been published.
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