Publication details

Güney marmara bölgesinde otopsisi yapilan karbonmonoksit zehirlenme olgulari

Title in English Carbonmonoxide Poisoning Cases Autopsied in South Marmara Region


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Adli Tip Bülteni
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords carbonmonoxide;poisoning;autopsy
Description Carbonmonoxide (CO) related deaths, which are generally preventable accidents that include accidents due to the coal stoves and water heaters in bath at home, the mining accidents, and other accidents. CO accept as the most common cause of poisoning cases in many countries and its prominent feature is being a colorless, odorless and nonirritant gas. The autopsy records between the beginning of 2007 until the end of 2011 of Bursa Morgue Department of Council of Forensic Medicine of Turkey were reviewed. A total of 5782 autopsies had been performed and 218 (3.8%) of these involved CO poisoning. Information regarding age and sex; etiology, month and year of the accident were recorded. Study data were encoded with computer and Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for windows program. 76 of the cases were (34.9%) female and 142 were (65.1%) male and the male/female case ratio was 1.9. The average age of the cases was 46.8 and ranged between 1 and 90 years. 57.8% of deaths were in winter markedly. The highest carboxyhemoglobin saturation was 92% in the blood. Poisoning due to CO leaks from coal heaters is an important problem in our country and surrounding regions. The mining accidents should be reduced by increasing safety in the workplace. We must more expend efforts to educate the public and prevent CO poisoning.

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