Publication details

“Writing without Tradition?: Emergence and Development of the West Indian literature.”



Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference The Subcarpathian Studies in english Language, Literature and Culture, Volume 2: Literature and Culture
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords tradition;colonialism;cultural studies;West Indies
Description Question of literary tradition is very specifically dealt with in the West Indian context. The paper focuses on the early literary creations of the 1950s and 1960s – the era of pre-independence struggles in the former British colonies and the later developmental stages after the acquisition of political independence. It deals with the problem of an artificial creation of West Indian society leading to feeling of inauthenticity of literary expression and cultural subordination to the dominant culture of the colonizer. The West Indian author is placed into a difficult position of the usually Western-educated privileged intellectual who is often reproached for not being able to re(-)present the truly subaltern of his mother society.

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