Publication details

Složité a zdlouhavé propojování zdravotnictví v Evropské unii

Title in English Complicated and Lengthy Integration of Health Care in the European Union


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis zdravotnického práva a bioetiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords European Union; Health care; Integration; Reimbursement; Law
Description Organization and public financing of health care is task and competence of the member states. However, economic integration cannot spare it entirely. Financing of urgent treatment of tourists is based on coordination of reimbursement among competent institutions. The Court of Justice established right of patients for public reimbursement of treatment intentionally found in other member states with domestic rates with broad interpretation of basic economic freedoms, albeit measures for cost - containment justify restrictions. The Directive on the application of patients’ rights in cross - border healthcare brings clarification. The Czech Republic has implemented the directive benevolently within short delay. There is no fear of outflow of public money to other member states due to economic, social and linguistic reasons and for absent litigation of patients as clients of public health insurance funds. Opportunity to require prior authorization with reimbursement was thus not used. Increasing complexity of public financing of Czech healthcare is revealed. It is unclear whether rates of reimbursement are fair and regulated prices are feasible. Recognition of pharmaceutical prescriptions and reimbursement of cross - border purchase of pharmaceuticals is also required.
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