Publication details

Niva nebo říční krajina – přístupy k vymezení krajinného fenoménu

Title in English Floodplain or River Landscape – Approaches to Defining the Landscape Phenomenon


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Fyzickogeografický sborník 12 - Fyzická geografie a krajinná ekologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation JAKUBÍNSKÝ, Jiří. Niva nebo říční krajina – přístupy k vymezení krajinného fenoménu (Floodplain or River Landscape – Approaches to Defining the Landscape Phenomenon). In Herber, V. Fyzickogeografický sborník 12 - Fyzická geografie a krajinná ekologie. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, p. 14-19. ISBN 978-80-210-7517-7.
Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords floodplain; river landscape; floodplain delineation; fluvial ecosystem
Description This paper deals with the methodological aspects of the fluvial ecosystem definition and its practical delineation in the landscape. Generally this is a floodplain or river landscape which lines the major part of the hydrographical network. In addition to a brief introduction of basic concepts used to define the fluvial ecosystem, the paper presents an overview of the ecosystem perception by the human society and its temporal development. The mechanism of human influence on the fluvial environment is understood as a significant representative of anthropogenically conditioned processes of environmental change, with impact just at the local level (river reach or basin of the small stream).

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