Publication details

Stoffwechsel, Hormon- und Immunsystem

Title in English Metabolic, endocrine and immune system


Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

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Description The fact that the diabetes mellitus (DM) up to 20% of individuals seventh decade of life concerns and an additional 20% interest in a disturbed glucose tolerance (GT) suffer forms the backbone that it is clinically important metabolic disease in old age. In the seniors population occurs predominantly type 2 diabetes (for those over the age of 70 to 95%). For the development of type 2 diabetes especially following phenomena are responsible: 1. insulin resistance, 2. impairment of insulin secretion and 3. increased hepatic glucose production. At the age of DM type 2 is caused by the interaction of genetic predisposition and the influences of the external environment (eating habits, modern lifestyle, Ssress, low physical activity). DM is a significant risk factor for the formation and evolution later both micro- and macrovascular diabetic complications. The therapeutic interventions should ideally include all components of the syndrome of insulin resistance (hypertension,lipids etc.) include. Therapeutic options for type 2 DM include: diet, physical activity, oral antidiabetic agents, insulin and education.

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