Publication details

Jednej správně socialisticky! Český satirickovýchovný dokument 50. let

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Title in English Do the Right Socialist Thing! Czech satirical educational film of the 1950s


Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description 1950s’ Czechoslovakia saw the birth of a specific genre – a short, satirical-educative film, produced by documentary-focused studio Krátký film. Using the example of the Zrcadlo (Mirror) series, this study examines the key features of that type of production (production of series and cycles, connection to journalistic formats and genres, alienating effects, education section), revealing the foundations of their poetics and style. It notices mainly the paradoxes related to the topics of the official satirical production in socialistic Czechoslovakia during 1950s and explains their ideological background. In this regard, as the key programme starting point it identifies the 1953 Conference of Czech and Slovak Caricaturists – a gathering of satirical and humoristic illustrators working for satirical magazines, the State Animated and Puppet Film, newspapers and entertaining books for children, as well as for promotional productions. This conference reflected on numerous key topics of satirical production within the socialistic culture and society, drawing attention not only to past issues and problems, but also to opportunities for future development. Key topics of this study include the questions related to the educative role of film satire within the socialistic society, the issue of satire as a specific genre of Socialistic Realism, and the related connection between film satire and documentary tendencies, namely realism and authenticity.
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