Publication details

Introducing Healthcare System Change Strategies to Policy Makers in the Open Society and Digital Environment: What Works Now, But May Not Work in the Near Future



Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords Evaluation; Future Healthcare; Health Systems; Monitoring; Policy; Projects; Strategy
Description Information Society the authors are a part of is the environment requesting paradigm changes in many areas of their thinking and doing. Improvement of the functionality of healthcare systems and the success of implemented strategies is a function of the volatility of the environment where they are implemented and is extremely dependent on unexpected turning points. All healthcare projects always become a policy. The difference lies only in the size of the network that is affected and in the duration of the effect. The policy (learned and accepted code of attitudes, conduct and possibly of behavior) will initially affect only the population, which formed a part of the policy setting activity (project, training). Based on 22 policies oriented projects the author participated in years 1993-2013 and illustrated in three commented projects the acknowledgement and adoption of principles, processes and attitudes found beneficial for successful policy implementation in various healthcare environments is presented.

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