Publication details

Assessment of Population Air Polution Burden in the Surroundings of D 1 Motorway


TÓTHOVÁ Dominika PAŘIL Vilém

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Current Trends in Public Sector Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords transport infrastructure; express transport; environmental impact evaluation; air pollution
Description It is the goal of this article to identify the health impacts of the PM10 dust particle air pollution on population caused by the D1 motorway route location between Brno and Prague. This identification shall be performed using our proprietary population air pollution burden assessment methodology and subsequently the European ExternE methodology. Territorial analysis has been used to identify the affected municipalities and residential zones; the territorial analysis has been followed by statistics usage and processing. The second part of the article identifies and enumerates the health impacts on population caused by air pollution from traffic on the D1 motorway using a synthesis of results from the preceding section and results from foreign studies performed in the field of health hazards. About ten thousand inhabitants are affected at the specified section of the motorway; increased levels of air pollution can be identified for about five thousand of them due to the motorway's route location, or rather traffic intensity. Possible recommendations for transportation and health policies and for territorial planning are defined in the final section of the article.
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