Publication details

Zohľadnenie peňažných nárokov poškodeného pri ukladaní a výkone alternatívnych trestov

Title in English Taking account of financial claims of damage when setting and execution of alternative sentences


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Trestněprávní revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords aggrieved person; alternative sanctions; compensatory damages
Attached files
Description In order to re-socialization and educational activity to convict the offender prefers judicial practice saving alternative punishments to prison sentence. In addition to a more effective impact on the correction of the offender it is a positive alternative sanctions and take into account the legitimate interests of crime victims. Therefore, storage and execution of alternative sanctions to the victim is an effective way to achieve not only moral satisfaction, as well as compensation for their financial claims incurred crime convict the offender. Compensation of imposing obligations on payment of a specific amount in the sentencing decision, as well as in terms of its recovery from the prisoner offender at the time of the selection of alternative punishments or during the probationary period. On the other hand, the specific criminal decisions currently stored largely alternative punishments, characterized by multiple application deficiencies, which significantly limit the authorization of victims to compensation for their financial claims in criminal proceedings.
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