Historie letí nad lomenicemi: K zapomenuté povídkové knize Mirka Elpla
Title in English | “History flies over the gables”: A Forgotten Short-Story Collection by Mirek Elpl |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2014 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Bohemica litteraria |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | NOVÁKOVÁ, Ester. Historie letí nad lomenicemi: K zapomenuté povídkové knize Mirka Elpla (“History flies over the gables”: A Forgotten Short-Story Collection by Mirek Elpl). Bohemica litteraria. Masarykova univerzita, 2014, vol. 2014, No 2, p. 100-109. ISSN 1213-2144. |
Field | Mass media, audiovision |
Keywords | Czech literature; Second World War; historical prose; short-story; Mirek Elpl |
Description | The study analyses the collection of seven historical short-stories by Mirek Elpl Tři zlaté poháry (Three Gold Goblets; 1940). It follows the collection’s thematic plan, its elements of contemporary actualisation, as well as the timelessness of its testimony, achieved mainly by means of its focus on the inner worlds of the fictional characters and their psychology. The study also addresses the dominant motifs of the work and its formal aspects, paying special attention to the lyrical and dramatic dimensions of the texts. In the tales from the history of the royal town of Ivančice, set between the 14th and 18th centuries, Mirek Elpl demonstrates his poetic insight into past times and his ability to capture suggestively literary settings. His unrightfully forgotten short-story collection represents the most artistically valuable strand of historical fiction written in the period of the Second World War – a strand of lyrical-psychological prose. |