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Year of publication 2015
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Dokumentace API vcetne nahledu do zdrojovych kodu a odkazu na repozitar, kde jsou zdrojove kody volne pristupne.
Description This library contains practical implementation of the calculations introduced in the articles Voráč, Jan, et al. "Measurement of hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration in an argon RF plasma jet by laser-induced fluorescence." Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22.2 (2013): 025016. Voráč, Jan, et al. "Spatially resolved measurement of hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration in an argon RF plasma jet by planar laser-induced fluorescence." Plasma Sources Science and Technology 23.2 (2014): 025011. A series of classes is implemented, holding the source data, with methods to least squares fitting in a pixel-wise loop. Each sub-result is also stored in the instance for later investigations.
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