Publication details

Aktuální inovace v edukačních systémech ČR a Francie

Title in English Current innovations in educational systems, the Czech Republic and France


Year of publication 2014
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation MARTINEC, Ivo. Aktuální inovace v edukačních systémech ČR a Francie (Current innovations in educational systems, the Czech Republic and France). 2014.
Description The aim of the workshop was to familiarize with current scientific knowledge. Participating teachers have focused on the presentation of current research and applications in developments in the field of teaching techniques, school equipment and in the development of educational programs. The event took place at schools Gers département in France in an accredited program New trends in school management and school facilities Following the research plan Special Needs of Pupils in the Context of the Framework Education Programme for Basic Education (MSM0021622443).
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