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Metodické materiály k popularizačnímu vystoupení " Dřeviny maloplošného zvláště chráněného území (PR Kamenný vrch) a školní zahrady Kejbaly" pořádaného v rámci kurzu "Dendrologické vycházky"

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Title in English The Methodological Materials for Popularization Performance "Woods of Small-scale Specially Protected Area (PR Kamenný Vrch) and School Garden Kejbaly" Organized within the Course "Dendrological excursions"


Year of publication 2014
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description A set of materials for the participants of course "Dendrological excursions" - teachers of secondary and high schools. The materials consist of definition of basic dendrological terms and the overview of literary and internet sources with dendrological themes.
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