Publication details

Od kvaziuatomatů k multiautomatům jakožto součást motivace tvůrčích aktivit v matematické výchově

Title in English From quasi-automata to multiautomata as a component part of the motivation of invective activities within the mathematical education


Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The article was created as the result of the research oriented at the innovation of the content and forms of teaching Mathematics at universities. In the framework of motivation factors supporting mathematical education there is offering the use of classical structures as automata, sequential machines and related modern structures as multiautomata for a description of developmental time sequential systems. Using of these structures there is possible to present elementary functions including quadratical, and to describe properties of functions from a certain detached view. Recall that the quadratic functional dependence is deeply framed into the substance of our world and it yields very natural tools for expression of certain laws of the nature as gravitation and free fall, slant throw upwards, description of the energy of a moving body, Coulomb´s law, the well-known Eistein´s formula connecting mass and energy, Pythagorean theorem and other phenomenal connections.

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