Publication details

The End of Capurro's Information Trilemma? (A Proposal of an Evolutionary-Ontological Solution)



Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
Keywords Unified theory of information, Capurro’s information trilemma, evolutionary ontology, information, structural and semantic aspect of information
Description In this paper, the author pursues an analysis and interpretation of the concept of information from the perspective of evolutionary ontology in connection with the ambition of information science (and philosophy of information) to create a so-called unified theory of information. He draws attention to the problem of Capurro’s information trilemma, which is unsolvable in the context of traditional approaches to information in information science, or leads to various paradoxes. Hence, the author suggests an evolutionary-ontological solution to this problem based on the definition of information as an evolving (ontically creative) process.

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