Publication details

Stabilizace rizikových prvků v kontaminovaných půdách vojenských území Stabil VÚ (smlouva č. 05/14/085)

Title in English Stabilization of the risk elements in the contaminated military areas


Year of publication 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The main aim of the project is a proposal of possibilities of remediation of contaminated military areas with risk elements (e.g. lead, copper, antimony, arsenic, etc.) using the method of chemical stabilization, including the proposal of particular process of remediation focusing on the risk elements concerned under existing conditions. In this stage the screening of risk elements occurrence was done in all military areas. Spatial geographic data were interpolated and visualized in several map layouts. Geographical data are compactibile with MISYS geographic system. Research was realized under contract # 05/14/085.

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