Publication details

Změny klidového metabolismu v závislosti na pohybové aktivitě (pilotní studie)

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Title in English Changes in resting metabolism depending on physical activity (pilot study)


Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description This work deals with changing the value of RMR depending on physical activity, and a group of men with a sedentary lifestyle. The aim was to evaluate changes in the values RMR, which occurred after a three-month program of aerobic and anaerobic physical activity and subsequent six-month period without a physical activity program. A further evaluate the feasibility of the proposed work and define the possible pitfalls. After completing three months of regular physical activity was observed in all probands in the value of RMR. Major changes in the absolute value of RMR was seen in the group EX1, performing strength training, but to a more optimal body composition changes occurred in the group EX2.
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