Publication details

Experimenty dějin: Kognitivní historiografie mezi dějepisectvím a kognitivní vědou

Title in English Experiments of History: Cognitive Historiography between Historiography and Cognitive Science

KAŠE Vojtěch

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pantheon : religionistický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords cognitive historiography; historiographical theory; cognitive science of religion; theory of the history of religions; predictive historiography; cultural dynamics; computational modeling
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Description This paper introduces questions, topics and challenges in the broad research field of "cognitive historiography". To illustrate its divergence and plurality, this article offers a set of perspectives on how to look at this field. In addition to the intuitive understanding of cognitive historiography as a specific sub-discipline of historiography, this paper proposes to see it as an integral part of the cognitive sciences. By mentioning the general interests of historians in historical change and cultural transmission, this paper stresses the specific role of historians in testing general hypotheses regarding these changes against their unique data. Finally, in disagreement with the current trend in the cognitive Science of religion, which overemphasises experimental methods, the author argues for the incorporation of mathematical and computational modelling which he considers as a more methodologically appropriate tool for the research agenda of cognitive historiography.
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