Publication details

Ein Gegenstand unbekannter Funktion im Kontext der großmährischen und karolingisch-pannonischen Elitengräber

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Title in English An object of unknown function in the context of the Greater Moravian and Carolingian-Pannonian elite burials


Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description This study considers a type of bronze objects which appears on the eastern fringes of the Late Carolingian Empire, whose function has so far not been satisfactorily identified. These artefacts have variously been interpreted as toilet instrument handles or as ornamental handles. They probably did not serve as knife handles since they were generally found without an iron blade nearby. It is possible that they were used as aspergilla or as fans. One typical attribute is that the broader end of these objects was wrapped in textiles. The hollow centre of the objects may have been filed with organic material (e.g. horse hair, strips of leather, vegetal fibers, feathers or sticks of wood). While the function of these objects is still unresolved, the context of their discovery in Greater Moravia is noteworthy. They occur in burials near or in churches, and they document contacts with Carolingian Pannonia, in particular with Mosaburg/Zalavár.
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