Publication details

Základy diagnostiky a terapie poruch pohybového aparátu II

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Title in English Basics of diagnostics and therapy of the musculoskeletal system disorders II

KOS Milan

Year of publication 2014
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description During the course Introduction to the functional disorders of musculoskeletal system diagnostics and therapy II students should gain palpation skills and deepen their knowledge of palpation anatomy of upper limbs and pectoral girdle. Particular emphasis is placed on practical skills. As far as the therapy of reflex changes in upper limb muscles concerns, technique of post-isometric relaxation is gone through. Students should learn how to diagnose the joint blocks in upper limbs and pectoral girdle and how to mobilize them. Another important part of this course is kinesiological analysis followed by a rehabilitation plan setting. In this part students use and deepen their knowledge from the previous years of studies. It is also mentioned that soft and mobilization techniques can never be presented in the therapies as a monotherapy and that a suitable therapy for a patient depends on key area which causes pain and discomfort.
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