Publication details

Základy fotbalu

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Title in English Introduction to Football


Year of publication 2014
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description This publication is intended for use by students enrolled in the course of Football basics. It is primarily focused on the rules of football where these are divided into three sections. The first one is titled the "Basic prerequisites". We need to have a pitch with the marked playing surface, a ball corresponding to all the requirements, a sufficient time to meet the game time rule, a sufficient number of persons, including those not directly involved in the game. The next section, "The players’ efforts" deals with what the players want to achieve and what they should rather avoid. The last section treats individual "Standard situations" that result from a previous action and are used to continue the game, i.e. to maintain the ball in the game. As the course is focused on the practical mastery of game activities by an individual, the students will also become familiar with the brief systematics in football.
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