Publication details

From Ritual Conformity to Ritual Resistance: Pupils’ Strategies in De-Segregated Classroom

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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Social Justice and Diversity in Teacher Education. Proceedings of the ATEE Winter Conference 15-17 April, Budapest, Hungary.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords Ethnic Diversity; Roma Pupils; De-Segregation; Interaction Rituals; Educational Ethnography
Description My ethnographical research focuses on interaction rituals in ethnically diverse classroom attended by Roma minority as well as majority children. My study is situated in a Czech border town where de-segregational local policy is implemented to integrate Roma children to mainstream public schools. In my paper I will capture pupils’ and teachers’ interactions from the interaction ritual perspective. I am interested in the ways ethnicity is present in pupils’ behavioural strategies ranging from ritual conformity to ritual resistance. As I argue, teachers’ heightened sensitivity to interaction rituals of their pupils can contribute to promote social justice and diversity in education.
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