Publication details

Výskyt entezopatií medzi obyvateľmi veľkomoravského hradiska Pohansko u Břeclavi

Title in English Occurence of Enthesopahy in the Population of Great Moravian Stronghold Pohansko near Břeclav, Czech Republic


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovenská antropológia. Bulletin Slovenskej antropologickej spoločnosti pri SAV
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords skeleton; paleopathology; enthesopathy; Great Moravia; Pohansko near Břeclav; disease occurence
Description The occurence of enthesopathies in skeletal remains found during archaeological excavation of Great Moravian stronghold Pohansko near Břeclav was assessed. No statistically significant differences in enthesopathy occurrence have been found between males and females, as well as between U Kostela, Lesní školka a Jižní předhradí. In order to prove the relatively weak dependency of enthesopathy occurrence on lifestyle, it is desirable to gather far larger sample and to use more effective statistical methods, such as logistic regression.
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