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Antropologický výzkum kosterních pozůstatků z trosek bombardéru Petljakov sestřeleného za 2. světové války nad obcí Kobeřice na Moravě

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Title in English Anthropological evaluation of human skeletal remains found in the wreckage of bomber Petljakov shot down near village of Kobeřice, North Moravia, Czech Republic


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovenská antropológia. Bulletin Slovenskej antropologickej spoločnosti pri SAV
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords World War II.; human skeletal remains; identification; Moravia; Czech Republic
Description On April 24, 1945 the Russian air bomber Petljakov Pe-2 was shot down by German artillery near village Kobeřice (North Moravia). In wreck of this air plane, all members of its crew have been died: lieutenant colonel Grigorij Tichonovič Kačalej (born 1908), major Michail Grigorievič Djadečko (born 1911) and first sergeant Alexander Michailovič Golovin (born 1918). In summer 2013, the wreck of the bomber was excavated. Among wreckages, also some fragments of human skeletal remains have been found. Anthropological evaluation showed that in wreck of the bomber skeletal remains of only one crew member were present. According to both anthropological results and the field data of location of the bone fragments in airplane remains, it seems that the skeletal remains should belong to lieutenant colonel Grigorij Tichonovič Kačalej.
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