Publication details

Virtualizácia ako metóda riešenia spoločenských problémov

Title in English Virtualization as a method of solving social problems


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právny obzor
web Web Právny Obzor
Keywords Virtualization, Values in law, Entropy, Social problem, Analytic philosophy, E-file, ODR, BitCoin
Description The subject of the paper is the proces of the virtualization and its influence on the values in law. There are presented assumptions which describe why the entropy law occurs and the need for its solution. To understand the basic institutes it is necessary to explain the notion of virtualization and its philosophical and theoretical background. The paper seeks to emphasize that virtualization is just a concept, which itself does not guarantee better and more valuable social relationships. In other words, the technology does not change the fundamental values. At the end there are presented examples of individual methods of conflict resolution in the law concerning the virtualization.
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