Publication details

Coal deposits on the Faroe Islands: preliminary geological and compositional characteristics



Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KUBOUŠKOVÁ, Simona and Lukáš KRMÍČEK. Coal deposits on the Faroe Islands: preliminary geological and compositional characteristics. In Students in Polar Research Conference 2015. 2015.
Description Coal samples were collected in the majority of observed coal deposits on the Suduroy Island (Prestfjall Fm.) and the Mykines Island (Beinisvord Fm.) and analyzed using X-ray fluorescence and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry method. Total trace-element contents of analyzed samples allow to distinguish coal of the Beinisvord Fm. from that confined to the Prestfjall Fm. Hg concentrations measured by AAS positively corelate with the quality of the coal, that is increased by the contact metamorphosis by basalt lawa flows.

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