Publication details

Stará ekologická zátěž v areálu ZPA Nová Paka

Title in English Old environmental burden in ZPA Nová Paka site


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sanační technologie XVIII, 19. – 21. května 2015, Uherské Hradiště
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Water pollution and control
Keywords groundwater; contamination; chlorinated solvents; natural attenuation
Description Groundwater in ZPA Nová Paka site is contaminated especially with chlorinated solvents that are used for degreasing of metal parts. The saturated zone was not an object of any rehabilitation attempts in the past and therefore the only process that contributes to lowering the level of groundwater contamination is natural attenuation. Maps of equipotential lines and hydrogeological sections were constructed based on field and archive data to enable calculation of contamination spread direction. The contamination extent was processed in BIOCHLOR program. It was proved that there are several aquifers with different pressure levels in the site. Aquifers are bound to sandstones and arkoses that are divided from each other by aquicludes of silty claystones. Considering water flow the site is very heterogeneous. The contamination is bound to shallow quarternary aquifer and deeper subsoil aquifer. It is estimated that the contamination will spread in northeastern direction from the company complex. Decay constants of individual contaminants were determinated by calibration of transport models. They reveal the effect of biodegradation. If the site’s contaminants undergo the complete biodegradation process all the way to ethylene, the following degradation product after dichlorethene is carcinogenic vinyl chloride. This daughter product was however never analysed in the site but according to the development model its presence in the groundwater is in theory possible.

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