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Seznámení s kvalitami německých učebnic zeměpisu Terra

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Title in English The qualities of German geography textbooks Terra


Year of publication 2015
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Textbooks are important didactical means, which still significantly influence success of a school instruction. The diversity of actual textbooks supply may however be demanding even for experienced teachers. The aim of this article therefore is to familiarize a reader with Terra geography textbooks which are used for instruction at lower secondary schools (ISCED 2) in Germany. The objective is to evaluate the textbooks from the Czech geography teachers´point of view. Thus highlighted are the merits of Terra textbooks which could be inspiring for planning of geography lessons and therefore are worthy of attention. In this manner the characteristics of the Terra textbooks are introduced. Then reflections related to didactical qualities of the textbooks which are supposed to promote pupils learning are described and also concrete examples are provided. The conclusion of the article suggests that the Terra textbooks represent specific and worthy to follow approach to textbook development, which can be seen in well-done combination of textual and nontextual components. As a follow up the implications for educational practice are provided.
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