Publication details

Standardization of Terminology Used in the EU Financial Services Legislation



Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dny práva 2013 - Days of Law 2013 Část IX. Interakce soukromého a finančního práva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords financial services; financial markets; terminology; implementation; White Paper on Financial Services 2005-2010; cross-sectoral study; professional client; qualified investor; financial holding company; shareholder
Description Consistent terminology used in the EU financial services legislation is one of the core requirements for both proper implementation of EU directives and consistent interpretation of EU law by the national courts. The author has outlined the development of the European Commission´s approach to this requirement and especially the cross-sectoral study, which was published in 2010. The author explains that the cross-sectoral study should be extended and also points out the expected trends in further legislation.
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