Publication details

Dodavatelské smlouvy a ochrana před tzv. adhezními smlouvami

Title in English Supply Agreements and protection against contracts of adhesion

TICHÁ Monika

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Obchodněprávní revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords bargaining power; contract of adhesion; customer; smaller enterpreneurs; supply agreement
Attached files
Description The paper describes the supply contracts which are generally concluded between smaller enterpreneurs (as a suppliers) and larger enterpreneurs (as a customers), typically the business chain. Although supply contracts fall into the law on protection of competition (there are some special regulations as an Act on Significant Market Power), this article deals with supply contracts from the perspective of contract law. The important point is the possibility of application of the provisions which deals with contracts of adhesion (in the New Civil Code)to the supply contract.

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