Publication details

Children’s privacy management on social network sites

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Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The chapter examines the management of online privacy on Social Network Sites (SNS) among children and adolescents. Petronio’s Communication Privacy Management Theory (CPM) was selected as the primary theoretical framework for capturing the process of privacy management and boyd’s features and dynamics of networked publics were used to depict the specific affordances of the SNS environment. Using qualitative cross-national data from European children aged 9–16 from the EU Kids Online III project, the chapter illustrates how current children manage their privacy on SNS and show in which aspects this process has become problematized. Using the CPM framework, several components of children’s privacy management on SNS are described: The perception of the ownership (and loss thereof) of private information; different types of control over the published information and the online audience; the rules which guide the control and overall online behavior, including the co-ownership of private information; and the boundary turbulences that lead to the co-construction of privacy rules and boundaries on SNS.
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