Publication details

Celevyje otnošenija, peredajuščijesja v russkom jazyke predložnymi konstrukcijami - ich adekvatnoe vyraženie v češskom jazyke

Title in English Purpose relations expressed in Russian by prepositional structures – their adequate capturing in Czech


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Novaja rusistika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Linguistics
Keywords purpose relationships; adverbial of purpose; adverbial phrases; prepositional constructions; infinitive; primary prepositions; secondary prepositions; simple case; prepositional case
Attached files
Description The article discusses purpose relationships in the simple sentence in Russian expressed by nominal constructions with primary and secondary prepositions. The situation in Russian is contrasted with the situation in Czech.

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