Publication details

Možnost aplikovatelnosti konceptu trvalé udržitelnosti při výuce geografie na vysoké škole

Title in English The Applicability of the Concept of Sustainability in Teaching Geography at Universities


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Informace ČGS
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords sustainability – Millennium Ecosystem Assessment – practical training – Kuřim
Description This paper describes the dominant concept of sustainability, as presented by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and its possible applicability for teaching at universities. It presents how sustainability is taught at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, where other key documents and methods are used, such as ESPECT/ TODS, the tabular method of A. Hynek, and the Strategic Framework for Sustainable Development in the Czech Republic. The paper also provides an analysis of a practical project focusing on the regional sustainability of the municipality of Kuřim, which was conducted during the autumn semester 2013.
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