Publication details

Březinovy neviditelné světy - pokus o psychologickou interpretaci díla Otokara Březiny

Title in English Březina´s „invisible worlds“ - the attempt for psychological interpretation of Otokar Březina´s Work

DAN Jiří

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Otokar Březina 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Psychology
Keywords Otokar Březina; essay Peace; idea of "invisible world"
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Description The Březina´s essay „Peace“ with references to his poetic output will lay the foundations of the attempt for psychological interpretation of his thoughts. The bridges will be found between poet´s metaphors and C. G. Jung´s analytical psychology language that argues for the benefit of „invisible“, human senses of hiden but really existing „true“ world. The understanding and recognition of laws and influence of this invisible world in Březina´s work and theirs intermediation in psychological construct language could be the way to deeper and unusual application of Otokar Březina´s thoughts for explaining the present world´s events. It also could be a confirmation of the brilliant prescience of a Master.

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