Publication details

Hrnčířská produkce na nížinném sídlišti ze starší doby bronzové: Hulín-Pravčice, střední Morava

Title in English Pottery production at the Early Bronze Age lowland settlement inHulín-Pravčice, central Moravia


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Archeologické rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords pottery technology – prehistoric pottery – Early Bronze Age – Central Moravia – pottery origin – productionorganisation
Description Věteřov group ceramics are regarded as the apex of Early Bronze Age pottery production. The meticuloussurface treatment and similar appearance of the vessels have led many scholars to assume that these arte- facts are the work of professional potters. This study evaluates aselected segment of pottery production from the lowland Věteřov group settlement in Hulín-Pravčice, based on the analyses of forty-nine potterysamples from four sunken features. The resulting vivid image of the production of pottery vessels at the sett-lement in Hulín-Pravčice reveals araw material strategy aimed at local sources, leading however to tech-nologically rich production divided into four main groups. Aforeign origin can be considered for only threesamples. The studied assemblage generally did not show apositive correlation between the type of vesseland the production technology. One exception are bowl-shaped forms, for which asingle technological process is dominant, and it is possible here to consider technological standardisation related to lower formsof specialised production and/or an important role for these pottery forms. In this case it is possible tospeculate on the unification of one segment of pottery production.

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